Saturday, September 25, 2010

RS Food Storage Activity

Our RS Food Storage Activity will be held on

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 7pm

Come join us as we learn more about food storage.
Our classes that night will be:

Food Storage 101

what to store and how much to store by Sis. Anne Borgholthaus

I have it, now what???
how to store, how to rotate
An open forum sharing by sisters at various stages of life

Using your food storage
cooking from food storage and recipe sharing by Sis Colleen Martines

Look for the sign up sheets at church. Please let us know if you will need to bring young children so we can prepare the children's class.
If you have ideas to share, please post a comment.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Interest Group

Amy Henderson is starting a new interest group- a temple group. This group of sisters will attend the temple together monthly. If you would like to hear more about this group or join in sometime, please contact Amy Henderson. The first temple day will be Tuesday, September 28. Anyone is welcome to be involved in this interest group, regularly or on occasion.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Visitng teaching

What is visiting teaching?
This is a great video please watch the following:

what is reporting your visiting teaching?

A visit in the home--- A phone call--- A letter in the mail--- or None. These are all ways I receive reports but it doesn't tell me how each sister is really doing or what the needs are for each individual sister so we can know and pray for ways to help them.

We need you to report. We appreciate you seeking out your sisters that you are assigned to and fulfilling your assignments. We care about your efforts and what you find out about each sister. I myself or the presidency or the visiting teaching coordinator can not do all the visits by our selves. We need you. What you do is so vital to the program of Relief Society. It is such a great privilege to have a great obligation given to us by the lord to take care of one another. It is also very important to report back on how they are doing. It should be a detailed report of what is going on in there lives, what issues they may be having, sickness, loss, loneliness, also celebrations or announcements. It is just as important letting me know what you and your companion have prayed to know what or how to help or fix the situation. It is not to just report and forward on the issue but let us know what you have done to be involved.

Lately I was told of how one companionship heard of a sister's bad health which they are assigned. They went right over and express sincere worry and interest gave of there own personal health experience and gave great comfort and an interest in her well being. What a great example of care and help to that sister. And then to let me know of the situation and what they did to help. That is visiting teaching.

I know you are so capable of doing your callings and assignments. I know you take care of your sweet sisters. We need to hear about it. We need to know what is going on in our ward so we can pray specifically for you and your visiting teachees and to forward this on to the bishop-- for he is the father of our ward and has great power to help us.

Sisters I love each of you! YOU make our ward great! YOU are blessing us everyday with your fulfilling your duties! I love you very much!!! You special daughters of our Heavenly Father here in Paxtuent ward!!!!