Monday, March 22, 2010

Sister Assignment

From the stake 2010 guidance: (look for the orange)

Stake Temple Day of Service and Sacrifice. We will continue to build upon the incredible successes of the last three years in this year-long effort.

  • Our stake goals for the temple day are:
    • Increase by 5% the number of current recommend holders in each unit.
    • Increase to 90% the number of MPH leaders set apart as veil workers in each unit.
    • Increase to 10% of current recommend holders the number of members set apart as ordinance workers in each unit.
    • Participation in the temple day by at least 800 endowed stake members.
    • Completion of at least 2000 family file endowments.
    • Increase to 75% the number of current recommend holders attending the 7th floor Priesthood Assembly Room session.
  • Our stake goals for endowed members are:
    • Prepare at least one family file name and complete the baptism, confirmation and PH ordinations prior to the temple day.
    • Complete the endowment for that person during the temple day.
    • Complete two additional endowments during the temple day (one personal family file and two others for a minimum of three endowment sessions per person).
    • Attend the 7th floor Priesthood Assembly Room session.
  • High Priest Group Leaders (HPGL) are responsible for leading this effort year around.
    • HPGLs provide regular oversight of family history centers located in their buildings.
    • Family history work to support our stake temple day should be underway year around.
    • HPGLs should work closely with unit family history consultants and unit mission leaders to ensure all new converts and reactivated members prepare at least a few family names and then personally complete baptisms for the dead during the stake excursion and capitalize on unit FHC workshops and temple baptism trips.
    • Collect and report temple metrics as directed to the assistant stake clerk.
  • Apply the commitment pattern to every adult member in every unit as follows:
    • Prepare them for the temple day experience through instruction and personal witness
    • Invite them to prepare themselves to serve in the temple this year
    • During October-May, focus on the following:
        • Divide up, among the five organizations listed above, all unendowed males and females, and endowed members without current recommends and invite them as follows: “On behalf of the stake president, we invite you to prepare yourself to serve in the House of the Lord in August by attending a temple preparation class…”
        • Ensure every adult referenced above is personally invited by the end of May to prepare and participate in the temple excursion
    • Personally invite all endowed members with a current recommend from May through July
    • Commit all worthy members to prepare at least one family name to take to the temple; complete their baptism, confirmation and ordination in advance; complete their endowment during the temple day; complete two other endowments that day; attend the 7th floor meeting
    • Provide them a “dance card” with their specific assignments
    • Remind them of their assignments a day or two before the temple day
    • Follow-up afterward to assess performance as a unit


  1. Wow, I LOVE these goals. And posting them for all to read is the first step. I am up for the challenge. I hope someone does actually challenge me and follow up. That would be very neat if all were able to accomplish these goals.

  2. Okay, when I read this post last night, the video was loaded. I just watched it. You are so great Colleen. We are so lucky to have you. So cute.
