Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Emergency Preparedness

Hi Sisters!

On Thursday July 8 we will have an Emergency Preparedness information night. On Sunday, be sure to look for the survey sheet to let us know what you are most interested in. Click here to take a preparedness quiz to see if you are a Disaster Diva, a 72 hour Kit Queen, or a Hopeful Homemaker.
Check out the Church's Provident Living preparedness information here

FEMA has a site (click here) that lists helpful information.

Another site (click here) shows how to make a 72 hour kit in a can

Other sites offer kits for sale (click here)
Our goal is to help all sisters feel prepared to handle emergencies if and when they arise. Let us know the topics you are interested in so that we can tailor our activity to benefit you. If you have any great ideas, suggestions, or tips, please share them with us.
Remember to look for the survey sheets and then mark your calendar for our July 8 Emergency Preparedness night.

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